A tiny e-Paper financial ticker
TinyTicker showcase


Use a Raspberry Pi Zero W and an e-Paper display to show stock & crypto price data.

Easy Networking

Use Comitup to bootstrap the wifi connection seamlessly with no tedious ssh-ing necessary.

Web Dashboard

A web based configuration dashboard runs on the Pi for on the fly configuration.

Plug & Play

A disk image file is provided for near plug and play setup.


You'll need to get yourself a Raspberry Pi and a Waveshare e-Paper display.

Software setup

The easiest way to setup the software side, is to use the disk image file.

  • Download the image file.

    Download the tinyticker-image.zip file.

  • Write the image file to your SD card.

    I recommend using Raspberry Pi Imager to write the image file to the SD card. See the tutorial video if needed.

  • Setup Wifi

    On first boot Comitup will start a local TinyTicker wifi hotspot. Connect to it and select your wifi network.

  • Configure TinyTicker

    With wifi working, head on over to http://tinyticker.local to access the configuration dashboard. Make sure you select the correct waveshare e-Paper display model for the screen to work properly.

Disk image info

The provided disk image has ssh enabled and two preconfigured users, one which handles the TinyTicker software and the default pi user.











Note: It is highly recommended to change the default passwords, especially for the pi user.

For the full list of installed packages see the tinyticker.info file.

On startup systemd is used to start the TinyTicker ticker and web dashboard.

              ssh tinyticker@tinyticker.localsystemctl status --user tinytickersystemctl status --user tinyticker-web