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Command Line Interface

Basic Usage

To use the phomo CLI, open your terminal and type:

phomo <master-image-path> <tile-directory-path> [options]

Positional Arguements

  • <master-image-path>: Path to the master image we want to reconstruct as a photo mosaic.
  • <tile-directory-path>: Directory containing the tile images. The images in this directory will be used to reconstruct the master image. The more images, the better the mosaic.


  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT: Specify the mosaic output path.
  • -c MASTER_CROP_RATIO, --master-crop-ratio MASTER_CROP_RATIO: Crop the master image to width/height ratio.
  • -s MASTER_SIZE [MASTER_SIZE ...], --master-size MASTER_SIZE [MASTER_SIZE ...]: Resize master image to width, height.
  • -C TILE_CROP_RATIO, --tile-crop-ratio TILE_CROP_RATIO: Crop the tile images to width/height ratio.
  • -S TILE_SIZE [TILE_SIZE ...], --tile-size TILE_SIZE [TILE_SIZE ...]: Resize tile images to width, height.
  • -n N_APPEARANCES, --n-appearances N_APPEARANCES: The number of times a tile can appear in the mosaic.
  • -b, --black-and-white: Convert master and tile images to black and white.
  • -g, --show-grid: Show the tile grid, don't build the mosaic.
  • -d SUBDIVISIONS [SUBDIVISIONS ...], --subdivisions SUBDIVISIONS [SUBDIVISIONS ...]: Grid subdivision thresholds.
  • -G, --gpu: Use GPU for distance matrix computation. Requires installing with pip install 'phomo[cuda]'.
  • -m {greyscale,norm,luv_approx}, --metric {greyscale,norm,luv_approx}: Distance metric.
  • -j WORKERS, --workers WORKERS: Number of workers use to run when computing the distance matrix.
  • -e, --equalize: Equalize the colour distributions to cover the full colour space.
  • --match-master-to-tiles: Match the master image's colour distribution with the tile image colours.
  • --match-tiles-to-master: Match the tile images' colour distribution with the master image colours.
  • -v, --verbose: Verbosity.


With 20x20 mosaic tiles and each tile appearing at most twice

phomo master.jpg tiles/ -o mosaic.jpg -S 20 20 -n 2

Resize master image to 1080x1080 and use 10x10 tiles with the greyscale metric

phomo master.jpg tiles/ -o mosaic.jpg -s 1920 1080 -S 10 10 -m greyscale

Subdivide tile regions with high contrast and run on the GPU

phomo master.jpg tiles/ -o mosaic.jpg -S 40 40 -G -d 0.1 0.1