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Python package and CLI utility to create photo mosaics.


phomo lets you quickly and easily create photographic mosaics.


  • Simple: CLI interface to create photo mosaics in seconds.
  • Configurable: Python package to create custom mosaics with ease.
  • Fast: GPU acceleration for large mosaics.


phomo requires python 3.9 or later. It can be installed with or without GPU acceleration.

GPU acceleration

For GPU acceleration you'll need a CUDA compatible GPU and the CUDA toolkit installed. See numba docs for details.


If you only need the command line interface, you can use pipx. It installs the phomo package in an isolated environment and makes it easy to uninstall.

pipx install 'phomo'
# or for gpu acceleration
pipx install 'phomo[cuda]'

Python package

To install the Python package, use pip. It will install the CLI as well. It is recommended to use a virtual environment to not mess with your system packages.

pip install 'phomo'
# or for gpu acceleration
pip install 'phomo[cuda]'